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How to Get Rid of Silverfish 1

How to Get Rid of Silverfish?

Get Rid of Silverfish at Home

Silverfish, though seemingly harmless, might soon turn into a real threat in any home. These small insects are silverish grey in colour, have elongated, tear-shaped body and three bristle appendages. The latter ones can look like antennae. These are silverfish characteristic features. In this article, we supply you with the information on how to get rid of silverfish.

Firstly, it should be mentioned that not every insect we got used to call silverfish is of the same zoological order which is Thysanura. However, it does not matter for a common householder who is eager to eliminate an unwanted “tenant” from his or her place. It is quite logical that it is important to exterminate the silverfish invasion.

They are unduly rattish insects which tend to gnaw various things which are not edible such as different books, paper items, innerwear and even wall-paper. Secondly, their presence will have unpleasant consequences: they will deprive you of your Ark and add to unsightliness of the place. Thirdly, though silverfish are not dangerous to people, their presence is not needed as a source of concern in your house. On this page , we give you recommendations on how to deal with silverfish.

To learn how to deal with silverfish , please read on.

Recognizing Silverfish:

In order to get rid of some thing or creature, it is vital to be able to define what it is. Thus, first we shall attempt to recognize silverfish and define its species. Silverfish are nocturnal insects, i.e. they hide from people during days and come to life at night.

They prefer darkness and moisture. Therefore, you can find them in the dark rooms in the day time. These rooms include basements, bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. Silverfish like high humidity which triggers their reproduction and development. On the other hand, silverfish mobility and ability to run away when they feel danger is the following peculiar property of this insect we would like to pay your attention to. They are pretty big which suggests that they are also fast. So, be ready to hunt.

Finally, silverfish eat organic matter. These insects are rather modest and will be happy to eat the carrions of other insects, plant residues and the things like starch, which are normally not used for food, such as paper, different fabrics and clothes. Silverfish cannot bother you directly, but be sure that their presence is enough to do it.

Though silverfish feeding habits are rather modest and normal for insects, its appearance should be explained and managed. As a result, we shall manage to eradicate silverfish.

Signs of a Silverfish Infestation :

  1. Sightings : One of the most simple things that you should do when trying to find out if you have a silverfish infestation on your property is,just to try and spot them , especially when they’re active. Which is definitely at night time, and not during the day.
  2. Droppings: Silverfish droppings look similar to pepper, only bigger. The best places to look are in areas where they feed and harbour, which is often a dark quiet place, for example, plates of closets, between furniture, and in cardboard boxes.
  3. Damage to Paper-Based Materials: silverfish love to eat paper. They are often found on cardboard, books, documents and wallpaper. Look for irregularly shaped holes with chew marks around them.
  4. Yellow Stains : If you see yellow stains on the fabric , it can be from the silverfish. This also applies for wallpaper and clothing kept in the infested area.

Get Rid of Silverfish 2

Health Risks Associated with Silverfish :

Silverfish are not the biggest threat to humans from a health point of view , but their presence can heighten some concerns :

  1. Allergies : Silverfish shed their skin when growing: at each molt , they cast off some scales that can rise in the air and enter one’s respiratory system thereby causing allergy.. When humans are allergic to silverfish , prolonged exposure to allergens can worsen asthma conditions , cause respiratory problems, and other issues.
  2. Contamination of Food : The second problem is that silverfish live in the dark and feed on food remains.. They can contaminate stored food and in case of ingesting some of their droppings and saliva, they can trigger food poisoning or indigestion.

Consider the very mild health risks of having silverfish,in the house among other pests , it is still best to eliminate the infestation in order to avoid all inconvenience for those living in the house..

Preventive-Maesures to Get Rid of Silverfish :

In order to getrid of silverfish ,we can also implement various measures to prevent their infestation.To avoid silverfish infestations , you can take the following steps :

  1. Reduce Humidity Levels : Silverfish prefer moist envorinments,so it is important to control the humidity inyour home to eliminate this pest . You can use dehumidifier devices,in humid areas of your home, suchas basements, bathrooms, and kitchens . You must decrease the moisture level to prevent silverfish infestations.
  2. Seal Cracks and Crevices : Since these insects are thin , they can enter through the smallest openings. We must carry out sealing of these cracks and crevices by using caulk or silicone sealant.. The attention should be focused on such areas as where there are perimeter walls and floors, holes through which the wires pass, floor-wall intersections and looking behind the baseboards. It should also be noted that the plumbing ducts should be monitored where they are attached to walls, as well as the areas around sinks and duct joints. Since some windows and vents are most often defective, it is recommended to look at those areas when repairing. Silverfish can be sealed by placing a door leaf on the door about 1 to 2 cm from the floor in the lower part of the profile.
  3. Store Food Properl y : Silverfish feed on cereals, crumbs ,and organic matter. So, the best way to prevent silverfish is to store foods in airtight containers.. You should focus on cleaning pantry shelves and control that there are no crumbs or leftover food anywhere in the kitchen.
  4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: We must ensure that we vacuum all the floors, carpets, and curtains to eliminate the sources of food and kill silverfish eggs and larvae. Closets and cabinets for apparel are made damp to a silverfish infestation and then often cleaned or circulated. This material is very important, so a systematic cleaning program can be used.
  5. Declutter and Organize: If you want to prevent such insects as ants, silverfishes, the pile up of paper and cardboard litter in the rooms should be reduced. Also, do not store paper, cardboard boxes, magazines of books, and other materials.
  6. Monitor Moisture Levels: Homeowners can measure the levels of humidity at home to have no more than 50 % and below.
  7. Pet Food: HThe crackers and other types of food that are left in the bowls attract silverfish. So, it is recommended to clean them after each use.

You can make your home less suitble for these pest, by paying attention to these measures. Also, your chances of detecting them inside the building will become much lower. It is crucial to adhere to your vigilance and preventative pest management strategies in order to properly control and suppress the silverfish infestations in the long term.

Traps to be set to deal with silverfish:

To get rid of silverfish at home, when you first need to expose them and crowd them together, the thing to do is very simple: create environments they like. These disgusting insects generally gather in locales that are dark and moist, as well as close to the source of the starchy substances that are their primary food supply. Here are some traps you can set at home to gather silverfish:

  1. Glass Jars with Bread: They climb up to the top, and then by masking tape stuck to the outside, but are unable to escape the smooth interior of the glass, and hence the trap. Stick some bread at the bottom of the jar.
  2. Tape Traps: Silverfish will find it difficult to crawl on double-sided tape placed on baseboards and under the sink so place them where you’ve seen silverfish activity.
  3. Boric Acid: Create little balls, which can be put in a cupboard cabinet or corners of the house. Silverfish will keep on eating from the balls and boric acid will kill them simultaneously. Mix boric acid with some flour.
  4. Cedar Shavings: Silverfish hate the smell of cedar, so placing shavings or blocks in their environment might keep them away from it.
  5. Store-Bought Traps: Various traps are available in the market, which are specifically designed for silverfish and so can be set in locations. These traps contain some food that initially attracts the insects but then cannot let them go out of the container. For this purpose, usually, strong duct tape is used to surround the perimeter of the trap.

These traps also need to be changed every week, or as per convenience, and a permanent solution would need the management of humidity levels within the house.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Silverfish :

When we want to control silverfish infestation ,and find away to get rid of silverfish, natural solutions can be an effective alternative to various chemical pesticides.. Below are some natural methods of repelling and killing silverfish, which will be accompanied by their effectiveness and safety concerns:

  1. Diatomaceous Earth ( DE ):
    • Method : “Diatomaceous” earth is a natural , abrasive powder composed of fossilized diatoms.. When silverfish encounter DE, the sharp edges in the particles slice their exoskeleton leading to dehydration and starvation.
    • Effectiveness: DE is personified by the high-speed kill rate of silverfish. It can be applied in silvery and shiny appearance along cracks and crevices, cupboards, and wall voids, along the baseboards, and the edges of linens and beddings.
    • Safety Considerations: DE is often safe for humans and pets; however, inhalation of DE will be somewhat irritating to the lungs. It is also stewarded to continually wear a mask when using DE and a spurt bottle is vital to keep away pets from the treated areas until the powder settles.
  2. Cedar Oil:
    There are also natural remedies available that are not harmful to humans and pets. The common ones include:

    • Method: Cedar oil is an essential oil , derived from the wood of the conifer trees. The oil is naturally highly potent in repelling insects. Spraying it in the infested area will repel the silverfish and they may not return.
    • Effectiveness: Cedar oil is effective on the silverfish among various other spectrum of pests due to its scent and strong insecticidal capabilities. It can either be sprayed directly in the sources of infestation or can be used in diffusers to create a repellant environment.
    • Safety Considerations: Generally, Cedar oil is mostly safe to use around humans and pets but always advice to test on a small area before using these hence can be risky for allergic and harmful to the skin.
  3. Essential Oils :
    • Method : Various types of essential oils ,such as citricoil, lavender ,and peppermint among many others . These essential oils are then diluted with water and sprayed in the infested areas.
    • Effectiveness: These essential oils are highly effective on the silver fish and another source of infestation due to their high scent strength and insecticidal nature. The essential oils can be used to make homemade diffusers which are highly effective in repelling silver fish..
    • Safety Considerations : EOs are generaly safe for both humans and pets , although some people may experience sensitvities and therefore it is recommended ,just like with the other examples, to test on a small-area of skin before using EOs more widely. Keep EOs out of reach of children and animals , and avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes .

In conclusion of this paper, using diatomaceous earth, cedar oil, and EOs are all excellent, highly effective alternatives to using chemical insecticides to both repel and kill silverfish infestations. They are all completely safe and are environmentally friendly, something that is increasingly of interest to homeowners in present times.

Chemical Treatments to Get Rid of Silverfish:

Chemical treatments should be used if we want to get rid of silverfish or control their infestation, and are most effective in extreme or continued infestation. The two types of chemical treatments , and these simple instructions and precautions on using chemical treatments will help us:

1. Types of Chemical Treatments:

  • Insecticidal Sprays: These treatments are liquid formulations containing chemical insecticides that are specifically designed to kill silverfish upon contact. They can be directly applied to the infested areas, including baseboards, cracks, and crevices.
  • Powders: Insecticidal powders are made of finely ground particles that contain chemical insecticides. Unlike the other powder forms, these insecticidal resins remain on the surface to which it was applied for long term effectiveness and to give extra strength to the effectiveness of the powder. Normally, these powders are applied on wall voids, cracks, and crevices, behind the appliances which are the specific harborages of silverfish. This method is very effective when we want to get rid of silverfish.
